Work experience was as a contractual IT professional and a listing of the

businesses that I contracted with then and in other years/locations

(i.e.: other than Columbia Station, OH) are as follows:


Ad-Art Signs, Rt. 7 Box 471, Tallahassee, FL 32308

Duties: Programmer/Consultant/System's Analyst

Start: 04/91  Last: 12/97- (850) 877-1493  President: Joe Fortunas


Garrett's Heating and AC, 2607 B Springhill Road, Tallahassee, FL 32310

Duties: Programmer/Consultant/System's Analyst

Start: 8/28/90   Last: 12/97 - (850) 575-COOL President: Garrett Strunk


Work Recovery Center, 1710 Lisenby Avenue, Panama City, FL 32405

Duties: Computer Maintenance/Consultant/Seminar Lecturer

Start: 1/04/89  Last: 7/31/89


Panama City Beach Room Service, Edgewater Office Park ,415

Beckrich, Suite  220, Panama City Beach, FL 32407, 850-234-5678 /

850-234-3222 (Finlaw  Agency - President: Bud Finlaw)

Duties: Computer Programmer/System Analyst/Instructor

Start: 5/13/89 Last: 6/28/89


Concentrics, Inc, 472 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, FL 32401

Duties: Computer Tech Support/Instructor/Sales

Start: 10/12/88  Last: 12/30/88


Digital One, 7601 Mentor Avenue, Mentor, Ohio 44068, 216-951-8088

Duties: Traveling Computer Salesman  Owner: Bob Busek

Start: 7/23/88 Last: 10/01/88


Presentation Arts, 1114 Avondale Road, Euclid, Ohio 44121, 216-382-3005

Duties:CADD Graphics System Operator/Graphics Designer

Start: 7/20/88 Last: 10/10/89


H-way Corporation, 407 Michigan Avenue, Elyria, Ohio 44035

Duties: Electrical Engineer/Software Engineer, Seminar Lecturer

Start: 11/20/85 Last: 4/18/88  Projects: Proto-Drafter, Heart Monitor


All Bar Supply, 24969 Sprague Road, Columbia Station, Ohio 44028, 216-235-2728

Duties: Database Manager/Computer Instructor

Start: 6/11/85 Last: 5/06/88


Encom/901 & Company, 88 Selden Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44301, 216-724-0971

Duties: Computer Network Installer, Technical Support

Start: 12/20/86 Last: 1/03/87


Vogt Technology, 4651 West 130th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44135, 216-671-8010

Duties: Electrical Engineer/Software Engineer

Start: 11/02/87 Last: 6/4/88

Project: Defender unit for huge metal stamping presses.


Professional Musician, Mr. Vince Mastro, 27678 Crocker Road,

Columbia Station, Ohio 44028

Duties: Electronic Organ Assembly/Debugger

Start: 5/16/84 Last: 9/13/85, Project: WERSI 300XL


Electro-Hydro Corporation, P.O. Box 793, Ashland, Ohio, 44805

Duties: Electrical Engineer

Start: 11/7/84 Last: 4/29/85

Project: Power Motor Control (Delta Configuration)


Medical Data Systems, 24541 Bagley Road, Olmsted Falls, Ohio 44138

Duties: Printed Circuit Board proto-type manufacture

Start: 4/25/85 Last: 4/25/85


Telco, 129 South Abbey, Elyria, Ohio 44028

Duties: Electrical Engineer

Start: 9/5/84 Last: 10/26/84

Project: Personal Energy Monitor and Atari Interface unit


Stahl Communications, Inc., 1505 Manor Drive, Englewood, FL 33533

Duties: Electrical Engineer

Start: 08/82 Last: 04/6/84

Project: Cable differentiator units




   2) Not all contracts are shown