
Datanomics (assigned to United Parcel Service (UPS) cost calculator project)

8300 Dunwoody Place, Suite 230, Atlanta, GA 30350; Contact: Denise Stepka

United Parcel Service, 55 Glenlake Parkway, Building #1, Floor #5, Atlanta, GA 30328

Supervisor: Jack Miller


Dates: 7/98 - 7/99


  Role: 1 of 3 Software Engineers, chief roles were: System Software Architect,

            C++ developer/programmer, multi-platform code integrator


Duties: Co-create a cost calculator for UPS national package delivery system that would enable

             them to know exactly how much a package costs to ship from any doorstep to any doorstep

             no matter how shipped (i.e.: ground, 2-Day air, etc...). Calculator included time studies

             and other logistical data. My role was to create all the back-office C++ logistical (i.e.:

             non-visual business management) classes using Rational Rose to architect the object

             model in UML and then to generate the skeleton of C++ classes used to implement the cost

             calculator and then to finish developing/(fleshing-out) the business logistical methods/functions

             that would manage the summation/aggregation of the underlying fundamental costs. I modified

             the C++ code for multi-platform deployment (i.e.: Windows NT to UNIX (HP-UX) deployment) and for

             the integration of this project with other software development efforts at UPS, by modifying

             the project into a DLL for use by any GUI (i.e.: Visual) programming effort for PC platform deployment.


             On this project Rogue Wave was used for the RDBMS interface to the Oracle database, both on the local

             Windows NT server and also on the HPUX server(s).